Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Let Mom Sleep Party! #Tryazon #beddit #Dearfoams

This past weekend I had the opportunity to host an amazing Tryazon party, featuring Dearfoams Slippers and the Beddit Sleep Monitor, and boy was it fun!

I set up baskets with all pedicure essentials and a pair of Dearfoams slippers for each of my guests...

I set up the beddit Sleep Monitor box and the other pairs of slipper on the table outside so everyone could check the products out and read up on them too!

I think everyone's favorite part of the super cute, stylish slippers was the hard bottoms so they can be worn indoors AND outdoors! We had fun passing the Sleep Monitor around and reading up on it, and also passing the slippers around, feeling how soft and comfy they were when we were trying them on...

I even had the actual beddit Sleep Monitor set up in the bedroom so everyone could see how unnoticeable it was when laying on it!

Before the party was over, a few of us did pedis, but most guests just took their pedi baskests home with them to do them in the privacy of their own home! We all had so much fun and can't wait for another fun opportunity like this one!

A BIG, HUGE Thank You to Tryazon, Beddit, and Dearfoams for this wonderful party! 


  1. Those slippers sure look comfortable! What a great party pack! I will have to check out Tryazon.

  2. This looks like a blast! What an awesome way to be comfy and have fun.

  3. how fun and what cute items you have.wish i was there.

  4. How fun!! The slippers are adorable, and I'm definitely going to have to check out the sleep monitor.

  5. Looks like a fun party! What lucky guests to get some nice Dearfoams and goodies!
